Cosplay Guide: Shopping

Shopping for pieces of your cosplay (especially when they are unique or character-specific) can be extremely time consuming and expensive. However, although shopping for your cosplay will never be easy and sometimes cheap like shopping for your everyday clothes, there are still some tips and tricks that can turn you into an expert cosplay shopper!

Let’s start with the 3 shopping “rules” I always go by:

Rule # 1) Never, ever, ever buy something expensive online without taking a trip to a local thrift store first. 

Thrift stores are your best friend when it comes to shopping for any part of your cosplay. ALWAYS check there first. Just remember to think outside of the box when looking for clothes for your cosplay, and don’t expect to find everything you need on your very first trip. Look at the shoes and think to yourself “Could I paint/embellish those to make them what I need?” Look at the shirts and ask yourself “could I use those as as the fabric scraps I needed to make that one costume?”

Thrift shops are a resource for bits and pieces of an outfit, not for the entire thing.  The whole point is to find and use cheap clothes that you can mess up all you want, use for scraps, paint all over, and make  your own with no worries because the clothing costed you so little. And there you have it. A win-win situation for every cosplayer!

However, knowing what you need when you enter a thrift store is important, as it will be very overwhelming if you don’t. Just remember not to have high expectations when it comes to what you need, because you most likely won’t find everything at the first shop/the first time you visit. That being said, you should explore many more thrift stores around your area, and check back every so often because they restock every now and again. That means new clothes, new pieces for your cosplay, and a happy cosplayer!

Rule #2) Be Patient!

Being patient when putting a cosplay together is one of the most important, if not THE most important thing you can do in order to end up with a cosplay you truly like. Since this blog is purely about shopping, we will be focusing on the aspects of patience within shopping.

Shopping requires a lot more patience than you may immediately think, that is, if you want a cheap yet accurate cosplay in the end. This is especially important when waiting for something to be restocked. When you notice that that one item that you feel is “perfect” for your cosplay, do not give up hope. Your first urge might be to buy the item from elsewhere, where it is potentially more expensive or lower quality. Never do this unless you absolutely have to.

If it’s a week before con or you know for sure the item won’t be restocked in time, then and only then should you buy an item that you’re slightly less happy with. If you have enough time before con, then wait for the item to be restocked so that you are definitely going to be happy with your cosplay results. If you have already waited and the item isn’t getting restocked or doesn’t even have a restock time, then contact the seller to see if/when the item is going to be available for purchase again. All of that being said, try your very best not to spend money on things you’re unhappy with if you do not have to.

Rule #3) We all start somewhere. All of us. 

This “rule” is quite a bit different than the others. That being said, every cosplayer starts somewhere. We all start at the bottom and slowly improve over time and with experience,  so never let anyone hate on you or tell you you’re not good enough because your cosplay “isn’t accurate” or “looks cheap.” Or because “your makeup is wrong” or “your shirt isn’t the right shade of blue.” Because, again, we all start somewhere. Even the person hating on you started there.

All we can do is what’s within our means of money and knowledge, and nothing else. If you have to buy a cheap wig because you’re broke, so what? That should never stop you from being the character that you want to become, even if you get hated on for it. Just use that cosplay as a trial run to see if you enjoy being the character, and if you do, then spend more time and money to renovate the costume in the future, when you have the available funds to do so.

If it’s your first time sewing and the hem is uneven or the fabric is fraying so what? Everyone has to begin to learn a craft somewhere, and just because you didn’t do it perfectly the first time does not mean you are “bad” at it. Every person that excels at something started out at the same place you are starting out now, so never worry just because something goes wrong a few times because practice makes perfect.

Now that that is out there, never hate on anyone else for their cosplay! Yeah, it may not be completely accurate. Yes, their wig may be extremely cheap and their hem may be totally uneven. Just remember that YOU also started there and struggled/continue to struggle on your long and tedious climb to the “top.” The only way to truly stop cosplay hate in its tracks is to stop spreading it yourself.

Other things to keep in mind when shopping for cosplay:

  • It’s almost always cheaper to make something yourself than to commission someone else to make it for you, or to buy it pre-made.
  • Pricier isn’t always better, so do your research before shopping.
  • If you are cosplaying with a friend/in a group, go shopping together to avoid mismatching fabric/patterns.
  • If a store doesn’t have what you need, see if they can order it in for you, or see if it’s available on their online store.
  • “Killing two birds with one stone” isn’t always the best way to do something. Just because a store sells the right color in one fabric you need but not the right color in another, don’t try to purchase the fabric of the wrong color just because it’s in the same store. I promise you will regret it later when looking back.
  • Don’t buy unnecessary things from a store only because they are having a sale. Money is money no matter how little or how much.
  • Always bring reference pictures with you to the store to avoid buying the wrong thing. Some stores don’t provide returns or have a limit on how long after you can return something, so buy smart, not easy!
  • Don’t try to make something that defies physics. Remember that cosplay is the translation of a fictional character into real life, so some things just won’t translate completely accurately.
  • Putting off buying things until right up against con is not a good idea, especially if you’re cosplaying a popular character. Many stores around the convention may be out of whatever you’re looking for because other people are looking for it too.
  • Remember that you can’t bring sharp things to conventions. Sharp things or things that could be used as weapon are not welcome at cons, so make any fake weapon light and with blunt edges. Also, LEAVE THE ORANGE TIPS ON FAKE GUNS!!!! I cannot stress that enough. Without the orange tip people may think your gun is real.

Now that all of that is out there, remember that this advice is based on my experience only! This is all based on my opinion and meant to help those in need of advice. If you have additional questions, email me at

Thank you and happy cosplaying!


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